
Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 什么是飞钓?初学者和经验丰富的钓手的全面指南 I want to read in English What is Fly Fishing? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Seasoned Anglers   什么是飞钓?初学者和经验丰富的钓手的全面指南 在钓鱼的领域中,存在一种超越简单体育的艺术形式,一种将技巧与挑战、精确与直觉、耐心与回报融为一体的技术。这种引人入胜的艺术被称为飞钓,这是一种吸引全球钓手的实践,为初学者和经验丰富的爱好者提供了独特而令人满足的体验。   在这份全面指南中,我们将深入探讨飞钓的本质,探讨其起源、技术和解锁这项迷人运动全部潜力所需的装备。   了解飞钓: 与传统的baitcasting路亚或台钓投掷不同,飞钓依赖于飞钓线的重量来携带轻巧的飞蝇(通常模仿昆虫或鱼)到目标处。这种技术需要一定的技巧和掷投技能,以无缝融入周围环境的方式呈现飞蝇。这还需要对水生态系统有深刻的了解,许多人认为这是具有挑战性和满足感的。   飞钓的基本装备: 对于渴望踏上这个迷人旅程的初学者来说,第一步涉及获取基本装备。飞钓杆是专为飞钓设计的杆子,是整套装备的支柱。再加上一个管理线的飞轮和携带毛钩的加重的飞钓线,钓手就能够以开始啦。   飞钓杆: 飞钓杆专门用于投掷加重的线和飞蝇。通常9尺长,分为4节。与杆子上常见的磅或PE评级不同,飞钓杆使用‘weight或wt’来辨别。从wt0-14开始,一个简单的指南是:   Wt0-2:UL超轻型(小溪垂钓:Tengas,Sikang,Seluang,Puyu,Lampam)Wt3-4:L轻型(大溪垂钓:Tengas,Sikang,Seluang,Puyu,Lampam,Jelawat)Wt5-6:M中型(淡水全能型:Peacock Bass,Sebarau,Empurau,Pacu)Wt7-8:MH中重型(轻海水娱乐或小型掠食鱼:Dorado,Toman,Cobia,Milkfish,Ladyfish,Catfish)Wt9-14:H重型(海水或大型掠食鱼:GT,Toman,旗鱼)   根据您想钓的鱼类型选择杆子的重量 – 小溪垂钓选择较轻的,大河或盐水则选择较重的。有时您使用的毛钩大小也是一个考虑因素。   飞轮: 飞轮设计用于存储飞线并在需要时提供阻力。它也用‘weight或wt’,而不是常规的型号,如1000-20000(纺车轮 spinning)或15hg或1501(鼓式轮/水滴轮overhead/baitcasting)。   飞钓线: 由于飞钓线负责投毛钩,这意识开始飞钓时最重要的装备之一。飞线有各种重量和设计,与杆子和鱼轮的型号一样(wt0-14)。通常有:   浮水线(在马来西亚广泛用于大多数物种) 半沉线(在马来西亚很少使用) 全沉线(在马来西亚广泛用于底层鱼)   还有许多各种不同设计的飞钓线,可让人们轻松投掷,这将在另一篇文章中讨论。   飞钓毛钩: 毛钩模仿昆虫、小鱼或其他猎物,因此了解当地的昆虫生活和鱼的喜好有助于选择合适的飞蝇。   飞钓的关键方面之一在于飞蝇的绑制艺术。您可以自己绑制毛钩或诱饵!这个过程将简单的材料变成复杂的毛钩,模仿自然猎物。这种技能需要创造力、灵巧和对细节的敏锐眼光,因为毛钩的有效性取决于它欺骗有洞察力的鱼的能力。   主线和尖子: 与其它的钓鱼方法一样,都使用前导和子线。但是在飞钓中,使用锥形主线以确保飞蝇可以有效且漂亮地投递。主线可以是monofilament(尼龙)或fluorocarbon(碳线),连接飞线和子线。子线则连接毛钩。   其他配件: 配件包括飞钓盒、剪刀、镊子和着鱼网等,这些都可以稍后根据情况再投资。 开始飞钓之前,最重要的是找到能够正确教授技巧的专业人士。如果从错误的抛投方式开始,不良习惯会持续,使得抛投效果不佳且令人疲劳。更糟糕的是,您可能会伤害自己和他人。所以刚开始学飞钓时,请确保寻找正确的导师。   在马来西亚,您可以寻找FFI(国际飞钓联合会)认证的飞钓教练, Casting Instructor,简称CI。您可以通过马来西亚飞钓协会寻找他们或通过我们,FlyTieCast。我们有三位专业飞钓教练。   初学者技巧: 基础抛投: 学习基本的掷投技巧:pick up& lay down(提起放下), overhead cast (过头抛), roll cast(滚抛), and false cast(假抛)等等。 先在开阔区域进行练习,然后再进入水域。   水域阅读: 了解如何阅读水域以寻找潜在的鱼类位置。 寻找结构、水流和水下特征。   Set hook或strike鱼: 不同的鱼会有不同的set hook方法,所以记得先学会以确保成功捕捉。   耐心和观察: 飞钓需要耐心。观察水域、昆虫和鱼类行为。   经验丰富的钓手: 高级投掷技巧: 探索double haul(双拉)、reach cast(远投)和其他高级投掷方法。   毛钩编织: 掌握创造毛钩的艺术。为您的垂钓体验增添了个性化的色彩。   适应不同环境和挑战自我: 根据水域类型、天气条件和您针对的具体鱼类,调整您的技巧然后挑战用飞钓钓不同的鱼种。   结论: 飞钓不仅仅是捕鱼的一种方法;它是一种将钓手与大自然深刻连接的整体体验。无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的钓手,飞钓艺术为探索、学习和在水上度过一生的难忘时刻提供了无尽的可能性。拿起飞杆,系上毛钩,沉浸在飞钓这个永恒的追求中吧!

Embarking on a Fly Fishing Adventure in Malaysia: A Beginner’s Guide to Costs

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 踏上在马来西亚的飞钓冒险:初学者成本指南 Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Memulakan Pengembaraan Pancing Layang di Malaysia: Panduan Kos untuk Pemula Embarking on a Fly Fishing Adventure in Malaysia: A Beginner’s Guide to Costs Malaysia, with its diverse landscapes, abundant freshwater and saltwater fish species, and welcoming fishing communities, offers an enticing destination for fly fishing enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or a curious beginner, understanding the upfront costs involved in starting fly fishing in Malaysia can help you plan your angling adventures wisely. Essential Gear and Estimated Costs: Fly Rod: A fly rod is the cornerstone of fly fishing, and its cost can vary depending on the brand, material, and length. As the technology for fly fishing rod is not well developed compared to jigging, spinning and baitcasting, thus the cost of a rod may be slightly higher. For beginners, a suitable and durable fly rod suitable for both freshwater and saltwater fishing can range from: Lowest-range (but found breaking easily): RM60 – 100 (Cheap brandless rod)Low-range + durable: RM300 – 600 [A good price to start]Mid-range: RM600 – 1500+ High-range: RM2000+Top-range: RM4000++ Fly Reel: The fly reel stores and manages the fly line, for smaller weight reels, it serves just as a line keeper so the strength of drag can be mitigated. However when it comes to heavier weight or dealing with strong fish like any saltwater species, a reel with a proper drag and durable finishing is needed. As usual, its cost is also influenced by brand and quality. A reliable fly reel for beginners can range from: Low-range: RM50 – 100 (can be used if you are fishing for stream)Low Mid-range: RM200 – 1000 (Like Stradic but fly reel) [A good to start]High Mid-range: RM1000+ (Like Twin power or Certate but Fly reel)Top-range: RM2000 – 3000 (Like Stella or Saltiga but Fly reel)Special reel: RM4000+ (Mostly Custom colour reel) Fly Line: The fly line carries the fly lure to the fish, and its weight and design should complement the fly rod and the type of fish you intend to target. As Malaysia is a hot tropical country, make sure to choose a tropical fly line or else it will be hard to cast. A basic fly line suitable can cost around Low-range (hard to cast): RM50-100Mid-range: RM150 – 300+ [A good to start]High-range: RM400 – 600+ Fly Lures/ Flies: Flies come in a variety of shapes, colors, and sizes to mimic natural prey. A selection of basic fly lures for beginners can range fromRM2-RM40. Leader and Tippet: The leader and tippet connect the fly lure to the main line, and their sizes should align with your fly rod and fly lures. Fly fishing tippet and leader are usually thinner than normal leader so the price may be a bit higher. Nonetheless, a leader and tippet set for beginners can cost around RM20 to RM30 for a spool. Additional Accessories: Additional accessories, such as a fly box, wire cutters, forceps, and a landing net, can enhance your fly fishing experience. These items can range from RM50 to RM100 for a basic set. But you can always get those later. Total Estimated Cost: Considering the essential gear and accessories, the total estimated cost for starting fly fishing in Malaysia for beginners can be around RM700 – 1000+ . This range accounts for variations in brand, quality, and personal preferences. Factors Influencing Cost: The cost of starting fly fishing can be influenced by several factors: – Brand: Reputable fly fishing brands may command higher prices, while less established brands may offer more affordable options. – Quality: The quality of materials and workmanship can impact the cost of fly fishing gear. – Personal Preferences: Anglers may opt for specific features or brands based on their individual preferences. – Warranty!!! Most fly fishing equipment comes with life-time warranty. Most of the big companies do provide any parts replacement with just courier fee and workmanship fee and then there are company like Vision fly fishing which provide “no questions asked life-time warranty”, so you can be sure that you can get your parts no matter what. Cost-Saving Tips: – Consider getting a mid or more decent set of equipment.You may be wondering how can this save money but consider this. Instead of buying lousy equipment that you won’t be using when upgrading or worse broken, a good initial investment can make sure you won’t have to spent more money trying out the wrong things. Just spent 1 time and you can be worry free. – Consider purchasing used gear from experienced anglers or online marketplaces. – Prioritize essential gear and gradually add accessories as needed. – Seek guidance from local fly fishing shops or experienced anglers to ensure you’re purchasing the appropriate equipment for your needs. – Invest in durable and versatile gear that can withstand various fishing conditions and adapt to different fish species. Conclusion: Fly fishing offers a unique and rewarding experience, and Malaysia provides an ideal setting to explore this captivating sport. By understanding the upfront costs involved and considering cost-saving tips, beginners can plan their fly fishing adventures within their budget and embark on a journey of discovery and enjoyment in the enchanting waters of Malaysia.


Other languages Selection I want to read in English Embarking on a Fly Fishing Adventure in Malaysia: A Beginner’s Guide to Costs Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Memulakan Pengembaraan Pancing Layang di Malaysia: Panduan Kos untuk Pemula 踏上在马来西亚的飞钓冒险:初学者成本指南 马来西亚以其多样的地形、丰富的淡水和咸水鱼类,以及热情好客的钓鱼社区,为飞钓爱好者提供了一个引人入胜的目的地。无论您是经验丰富的钓手还是好奇的初学者,了解在马来西亚开始飞钓所涉及的前期成本可以帮助您明智地计划您的钓鱼冒险。 基本装备和估算成本: 飞钓竿: 飞钓竿是飞钓的基石,成本可能会根据品牌、材料和长度而异。由于与jigging、baitcasting和spinning的技术相比,飞钓竿的技术尚未得到良好的发展,因此竿子的成本可能略高。对于初学者,适用于淡水和咸水钓鱼的耐用飞钓竿的价格范围为:    – 最低价位(但易折断):RM60 – 100(廉价无品牌竿)   – 低价位 + 耐用:RM300 – 600 [一个良好的起点价格]   – 中价位:RM600 – 1500+   – 高价位:RM2000+   – 顶级:RM4000++ 飞钓轮: 对于较轻或为了钓小鱼的飞钓轮,它仅仅只是用来收飞钓线,所以选这比较轻的飞钓轮就可。然而,当涉及较重的飞钓轮或用来钓强壮的鱼类(如咸水鱼)时,您选择的飞钓轮需要具有适当抗拉力和耐用。相同的,价钱与品牌和质量有关,可靠的飞钓轮价格范围为:    – 低价位:RM50 – 100(如果您在河流钓鱼,可以使用)   – 中低价位:RM200 – 1000(就像 Stradic 但是飞钓轮)[一个不错的起点]   – 中高价位:RM1000+(就像 Twin Power 或 Certate 但是飞钓轮)   – 顶级:RM2000 – 3000(就像 Stella 或 Saltiga 但是飞钓轮)   – 特别飞钓轮:RM4000+(主要是定制颜色飞钓轮) 飞钓线: 飞钓线的重量和设计应与飞钓竿和您打算钓的鱼种相配。由于马来西亚是一个炎热的热带国家,请确保选择热带飞钓线,否则将很难抛。飞钓线的价格大约为:    – 低价位(难抛投):RM50-100   – 中价位:RM150 – 300+ [一个不错的起点]   – 高价位:RM400 – 600+ 飞饵/毛钩: 毛钩有各种形状、颜色和大小,以模仿自然猎物。每个毛钩的价格范围为RM2-RM40。 前导线和子线: 前导线和子线的尺寸应与您的飞钓竿和毛钩相一致。飞钓的前导线和子线通常比普通的更细,因此价格可能会稍高。尽管如此,前导线和子线的价格大约为RM20到RM30。 其他配件:如毛钩盒、钢丝剪、钳子和网,可以提升您的飞钓体验。这些物品的价格范围为RM50到RM100。但您可以稍后购买这些物品。 总估计成本: 考虑到基本装备和配件,初学者在马来西亚开始飞钓的总估计成本大约为RM700 – 1000+。这个范围考虑了品牌、质量和个人偏好的变化。 影响成本的因素: 开始飞钓的成本可能受到几个因素的影响: – 品牌: 有声望的飞钓品牌可能会要求更高的价格,而不太成熟的品牌可能提供更实惠的选择。 – 质量: 材料和工艺的质量可能会影响飞钓装备的成本。 – 个人偏好: 钓手可能会根据个人喜好选择特定的功能或品牌。 – 保修!!! 大多数飞钓设备都附有终身保修。大多数有名的公司只需支付快递费和工艺费就可更换零件,还有一些公司像 Vision fly fishing 就提供“No questions asked life time warranty”,所以您可以不必担心,不管任何理由你都可以拿到零件。 节省成本的提示: – 考虑购买中等或更体面的装备。您可能会好奇这样如何省钱,但请考虑这一点。与其购买您升级后不会使用的差劲设备或比较容易坏的渔具相比,良好的初期投资可以确保您无需为尝试错误的选择而花费更多的钱。只需花一次钱,您就可以无忧无虑。 – 考虑从经验丰富的钓手或在线市场购买二手装备。 – 优先考虑基本装备,并根据需要逐渐添加配件。 – 寻求来自当地飞钓商店或经验丰富的钓手的指导,以确保您购买了适合您需求的设备。 – 投资于经久耐用且多功能的装备,可以经受各种钓鱼条件的考验,并适应不同的鱼类。 结论: 飞钓提供了独特而有益的体验,而马来西亚则提供了探索这项迷人运动的理想场所。通过了解前期涉及的成本并考虑节省成本的提示,初学者可以在预算范围内计划他们的飞钓冒险,并在马来西亚迷人的水域中踏上发现和享受的旅程。

Memulakan Pengembaraan Pancing Layang di Malaysia: Panduan Kos untuk Pemula

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 踏上在马来西亚的飞钓冒险:初学者成本指南 I want to read in English Embarking on a Fly Fishing Adventure in Malaysia: A Beginner’s Guide to Costs Memulakan Pengembaraan Pancing Layang di Malaysia: Panduan Kos untuk Pemula Sama ada anda seorang pemancing berpengalaman atau pemula yang ingin tahu, memahami kos yang terlibat dalam memulakan pancing layang di Malaysia dapat membantu anda merancang pengembaraan memancing anda dengan bijak. Peralatan Utama dan Anggaran Kos: Rod Pancing Layang (Fly Rod): Rod adalah asas pancing layang, dan kosnya boleh berbeza bergantung pada jenama, bahan, dan panjangnya. Kerana teknologi untuk rod pancing layang belum terlalu berkembang berbandingkan dengan rod jigging, casting, dan spinning, oleh itu kos mungkin akan lebih tinggi. Sebuah rod pancing layang yang sesuai dan tahan lama untuk memancing di air tawar dan laut dapat berkisar dari:    – Rendah (tetapi mudah patah): RM60 – 100 (rod murah tanpa jenama)   – Rendah + tahan lama: RM300 – 600 [Harga yang baik untuk memulakan]   – Pertengahan: RM600 – 1500+   – Tinggi: RM2000+   – Tertinggi: RM4000++ Fly reel:Fungsi fly reel untuk pancing ikan-ikan sungai dan kecil tu hanya untuk menyimpan dan menguruskan tali fly, jadi boleh pilih reel yang ringan supaya anda boleh cast dengan senang. Tetapi untuk reelyang digunakan untuk ikan yang ganas dan mengambil tali yang banyak, ia berfungsi semacam dengan reel biasa, tahan ikan dengan drag. Seperti biasa, kosnya juga dipengaruhi oleh jenama dan kualiti. Sebuah fly reel yang boleh dipercayai untuk pemula dapat berkisar dari:    – Rendah: RM50 – 100 (boleh digunakan jika memancing di sungai)   – Pertengahan Rendah: RM200 – 1000 (Seperti Stradic tetapi fly reel) [Sebuah permulaan yang baik]   – Pertengahan Tinggi: RM1000+ (Seperti Twin Power ataupun Certate tetapi fly reel)   – Tertinggi: RM2000 – 3000 (Seperti Stella atau Saltiga tetapi fly reel)   – reel Khas: RM4000+ (Kebanyakan reel dengan warna khas) Tali pancing layang (Fly Line): Tali pancing layang membawa umpan fly ke ikan, dan berat tali fly serta reka bentuknya harus sejajar dengan rod dan jenis ikan yang anda hendak pancing. Memandangkan Malaysia adalah negara tropika yang panas, pastikan memilih tali pancing layang tropika, jika tidak, ia akan sukar untuk cast. Sebuah tali pancing layang asas yang sesuai dapat berharga sekitar:    – Rendah (sukar untuk cast): RM50-100   – Pertengahan: RM150 – 300+ [Sebuah permulaan yang baik]   – Tinggi: RM400 – 600+ Umpan Fly (Fly Lures/Flies): Umpan fly ada pelbagai bentuk, warna, dan saiz untuk meniru mangsa semula jadi. Pilihan fly asas untuk pemula boleh berkisar dari RM2 hingga RM40. Leader dan Tippet (Leader and Tippet): Leader dan tippet menghubungkan umpan fly dan saiz mereka harus sejajar dengan rod pancing layangdan jenis fly anda. Leader dan tippet dalam pancing layang biasanya lebih nipis daripada leader biasa, jadi harganya mungkin tinggi sikit. Walau bagaimanapun, leader dan tippetboleh berharga sekitar RM20 hingga RM30 untuk segulung. Aksesori Tambahan: Seperti kotak umpan terbang, gunting wayar, forceps, dan jaring, dapat meningkatkan pengalaman pancing layang anda. Item-item ini boleh berkisar dari RM50 hingga RM100 untuk satu set asas. Tetapi anda boleh mendapatkannya kemudian. Kos Keseluruhan yang Dijangka: Mengambil kira peralatan utama dan aksesori, kos keseluruhan yang dijangkakan untuk memulakan pancing layang di Malaysia bagi pemula boleh berada dalam lingkungan RM700 – 1000+. Kos ini mengambil kira variasi dalam jenama, kualiti, dan pilihan peribadi. Faktor-faktor yang Mempengaruhi Kos: Kos memulakan pancing layang boleh dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor: – Jenama: Jenama pancing layang yang terkenal akan menawarkan harga yang lebih tinggi, manakala jenama yang kurang dikenali mungkin menawarkan pilihan yang lebih murah.– Kualiti: Kualiti bahan dan kerja boleh mempengaruhi kos peralatan pancing layang.– Keutamaan Peribadi: Pemancing mungkin memilih ciri-ciri atau jenama tertentu berdasarkan keutamaan individu mereka.– Warranty!!! Kebanyakan peralatan pancing layang dilengkapi dengan jaminan seumur hidup. Kebanyakan syarikat besar menyediakan penggantian sebarang bahagian dengan hanya bayaran kurier dan bayaran kerja, dan ada juga syarikat seperti Vision Fly Fishing yang menyediakan “jaminan seumur hidup tanpa soalan”, jadi anda boleh pasti bahawa anda boleh mendapatkan spare parts anda tanpa risau. Cara-cara menjimatkan Kos: – Pertimbangkan untuk mendapatkan set yang sederhana atau lebih baik. Anda mungkin bertanya-tanya bagaimana cara ini boleh menjimatkan wang, tetapi pertimbangkan ini. Pelaburan set yang baik boleh memastikan anda tidak perlu mengeluarkan lebih banyak wang membeli barang yang salah seperti rod yang action tak cantik, senang rosak ataupun fly line yang tak boleh cast, semua ni mungkin murah tapi kalau kira semua sekali, dah boleh beli set yang elok. Belanjakan satu kali dan anda boleh berasa yakinbila memancing dengannya. – Pertimbangkan untuk membeli peralatan second hand dari pemancing berpengalaman. – Beri keutamaan kepada peralatan asas dan tambah aksesori mengikut keperluan. – Cari panduan dari kedai pancing layang tempatan atau pemancing berpengalaman untuk memastikan anda membeli peralatan yang sesuai untuk keperluan anda. – Melabur dalam peralatan yang tahan lama dan serba boleh digunakan untuk mengatasi pelbagai keadaan memancing dan menyesuaikan diri dengan pelbagai spesies ikan. Kesimpulan: Pancing layang menawarkan pengalaman yang unik dan memuaskan, dan Malaysia menyediakan suasana yang ideal untuk menerokai sukan yang memikat ini. Dengan memahami kos yang terlibat dan mempertimbangkan cara-care penjimatan kos, anda boleh merancang pengembaraan pancing layang dan memulakan perjalanan fly di Malaysia.

Fly Fishing in Malaysia: Must-Have Flies for Fly Fisher in Malaysia

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 马来西亚的飞钓:飞钓者在马来西亚必备的飞蝇毛 Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Memancing Layang di Malaysia: Fly yang Efektik untuk Pemancing Layang di Malaysia Fly Fishing in Malaysia: Must-Have Flies for Fly Fisher in Malaysia Embarking on a fly fishing adventure in the diverse waters of Malaysia? Choosing the right flies can significantly improve your chances of success. Here are some must-have flies to cover a variety of situations: Clouser Minnow:    – Type: Sinking   – Target Species: Peacock Bass, Haruan, Toman, Sebarau, Barramundi, Grouper and more   – Why: This versatile and effective fly imitates baitfish, making it perfect for a variety of predatory fish. Pheasant Tail Nymph:    – Type: Just below surface, Mid water   – Target Species: Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang and more   – Why: Resembling aquatic insects, this fly is excellent for subsurface fishing in freshwater streams and rivers. Weighted Nymph:    – Type: Sinking   – Target Species: Lampam, Tengas and more   – Why: An excellent general-purpose fly that imitates insects, effective in a variety of freshwater settings. Stimulator:    – Type: Floating   – Target Species: Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang and more   – Why: Its buoyant design and attractive profile make it a go-to dry fly for enticing fish to the surface. Woolly Bugger:    – Type: Sinking   – Target Species: Peacock Bass, Pacu, Sikang and more   – Why: A versatile pattern that imitates various prey, making it effective in both freshwater and saltwater environments. Crazy Charlie:    – Type: Sinking   – Target Species: Peacock Bass, Haruan, Toman, Sebarau, Barramundi, Grouper and more   – Why: Designed for saltwater flats, but this shrimp pattern is irresistible to many Malaysia species too. Streamer / Baitfish:    – Type: Sinking   – Target Species: Toman, Sebarau, Peacock Bass, Sikang, Empurau, Sailfish and more   – Why: Known for its lifelike action, the streamer or baitfish is a staple for fly anglers chasing aggressive game fish. Gurgler:    – Type: Floating   – Target Species: Sikan, Peacock Bass, Tarpon and more   – Why: Mimicking struggling baitfish, the Gurgler is perfect for topwater action and attracting fish in shallow waters. Choosing the Right Flies: – Consider the specific location and target species.– Match the size and color of the fly to the prevalent forage in the area.– Pay attention to the water conditions and adjust your fly choice accordingly. These are just a few of the many flies that can be effective in Malaysia. The specific flies you need will depend on the time of year, the location, and the fish species you’re targeting. It’s always a good idea to talk to local fly shops or experienced anglers to get recommendations for the best flies for your specific situation.

Memancing Layang di Malaysia: Fly yang Efektik untuk Pemancing Layang di Malaysia

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 马来西亚的飞钓:飞钓者在马来西亚必备的飞蝇毛 I want to read in English Fly Fishing in Malaysia: Must-Have Flies for Fly Fisher in Malaysia Memancing Layang di Malaysia: Fly yang Efektik untuk Pemancing Layang di Malaysia Pemilihan fly yang betul boleh meningkatkan peluang kejayaan anda dengan ketara. Berikut adalah beberapa fly yang perlu ada pada semua kotak pemancing di Malaysia untuk pancing pada semua situasi:   Clouser Minnow:    – Jenis: Tenggelam   – Spesies Sasaran: Peacock Bass, Haruan, Toman, Sebarau, Siakap, Kerapu dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Fly yang serbaguna dan efektif ini meniru ikan umpan, menjadikannya sempurna untuk pelbagai jenis ikan pemangsa.   Pheasant Tail Nymph:    – Jenis: Bawah permukaan air, Pertengahan air   – Spesies Sasaran: Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Menyerupai serangga air, fly ini sangat baik untuk memancing di bawah permukaan air di sungai dan anak sungai air tawar.   Weighted Nymph:    – Jenis: Tenggelam   – Spesies Sasaran: Lampam, Tengas dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Fly yang meniru serangga, berkesan dalam pelbagai pengaturan air tawar.   Stimulator:    – Jenis: Terapung   – Spesies Sasaran: Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Profil yang menarik menjadikannya pilihan utama untuk fly terapung untuk menarik perhatian ikan ke permukaan.   Woolly Bugger:    – Jenis: Tenggelam   – Spesies Sasaran: Peacock Bass, Pacu, Sikang dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Fly yang meniru pelbagai buruan ikan, menjadikannya berkesan di persekitaran air tawar dan air masin.   Crazy Charlie:    – Jenis: Tenggelam   – Spesies Sasaran: Peacock Bass, Haruan, Toman, Sebarau, Siakap, Kerapu dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Direka untuk pancing laut, tetapi fly yang meniru udang ini tidak dapat ditolak oleh banyak spesies di Malaysia juga.   Streamer / Baitfish:    – Jenis: Tenggelam   – Spesies Sasaran: Toman, Sebarau, Peacock Bass, Sikang, Empurau/Kelah, Sailfish dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Mempunyai gerakan yang realistik, streamer atau baitfish adalah keperluan untuk pemancing fly yang mengejar ikan yang agresif.   Gurgler:    – Jenis: Terapung   – Spesies Sasaran: Sikan, Peacock Bass, Tarpon dan lain-lain   – Mengapa: Meniru ikan umpan yang dah nak mati, Gurgler sangat sesuai untuk tindakan permukaan dan menarik perhatian ikan di perairan cetek.   Memilih Flies yang Betul: – Pertimbangkan lokasi khusus dan spesies yang nak dipancing.– Padankan saiz dan warna flies dengan makanan ikan yang banyak di kawasan tersebut.– Beri perhatian kepada keadaan air.   Ini hanya beberapa dari banyak flies yang berkesan di Malaysia. Flies yang anda perlukan akan bergantung pada musim, lokasi, dan spesies ikan yang anda targetkan. Jadi sebelum anda pergi ke pancing, sentiasa berbual dengan kedai memancing tempatan atau pemancing berpengalaman untuk mendapatkan cadangan tentang flies yang terbaik untuk situasi anda yang tertentu.


Other languages Selection I want to read in English Fly Fishing in Malaysia: Must-Have Flies for Fly Fisher in Malaysia Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Memancing Layang di Malaysia: Fly yang Efektik untuk Pemancing Layang di Malaysia 马来西亚的飞钓:飞钓者在马来西亚必备的飞蝇毛钩 选择合适的飞蝇毛钩可以显著提高你的成功机会。以下是一些在马来西亚必备的飞蝇毛钩,以应对各种情况: 克劳瑟米诺(Clouser Minnow):    – 类型:沉水型   – 目标鱼种:孔雀鲈/王帝鱼、生鱼、多曼、水马骝、鲈鱼、石斑鱼等   – 原因:这种简单且有效的飞蝇毛钩模仿饵鱼,非常适合各种掠食性鱼类。 野鸡尾若虫(Pheasant Tail Nymph):    – 类型:水表以下,中水层   – 目标鱼种:Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang 等   – 原因:类似水生昆虫,这种飞蝇毛钩非常适合在淡水溪流和河流的水下垂钓。 Weighted Nymph:    – 类型:沉水型   – 目标鱼种:Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang 等   – 原因:一种出色的多用途飞蝇毛钩,模仿昆虫,适用于各种淡水环境。 Stimulator:    – 类型:漂浮型   – 目标鱼种:Lampam, Tengas, Tilapia, Seluang 等   – 原因:其漂浮的设计和形状成为引诱鱼类的其中一个首选。 八哥(Woolly Bugger):    – 类型:沉水型   – 目标鱼种:孔雀鲈/王帝鱼、切蛋鱼/食人鲳 Pacu、马来鳟等   – 原因:一种模仿各种猎物的毛钩,在淡水环境都很有效。 疯狂查理(Crazy Charlie):    – 类型:沉水型   – 目标鱼种:孔雀鲈/王帝鱼、生鱼、多曼、水马骝、鲈鱼、石斑鱼等   – 原因:专为咸水设计,但这个模仿虾的毛钩对马来西亚的许多鱼类也是不可抗拒的。 饰带/小鱼(Streamer / Baitfish):    – 类型:沉水型   – 目标鱼种:多曼、西巴拉乌、孔雀鲈/王帝鱼、马来鳟、忘不了、旗鱼等   – 原因:以其栩栩如生的动作而闻名,饰带/小鱼的毛钩是飞钓者的必备工具。 Gurgler:    – 类型:漂浮型   – 目标鱼种:马来鳟、孔雀鲈/王帝鱼、Tarpon等   – 原因:模仿挣扎的小鱼,Gurgler非常适合在浅水吸引鱼类。 选择合适的飞蝇毛钩: – 考虑具体的位置和目标鱼种。– 将飞蝇毛钩的大小和颜色与该地区主要的食物相匹配。– 注意水域条件,并根据需要调整你的飞蝇毛钩选择。 这只是在马来西亚可能有效的许多飞蝇毛钩中的一小部分。具体飞蝇毛钩取决于一年中的时间、地点和你钓鱼的鱼种,所以在您出发前,记得向当地的飞钓店或有经验的钓手咨询,以获取有关您特定情况下最佳飞蝇毛钩的建议。

What is Fly Fishing? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Seasoned Anglers

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 什么是飞钓?初学者和经验丰富的钓手的全面指南   Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Apa itu Pancing Fly? Panduan Lengkap untuk Pemula dan Pencinta Pancing Berpengalaman What is Fly Fishing? A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners and Seasoned Anglers In the realm of angling, there exists an art form that transcends mere sport, a technique that blends finesse with challenge, precision with intuition, and patience with reward. This captivating art is known as fly fishing, a practice that has captivated anglers worldwide, offering a unique and rewarding experience for both novice and experienced enthusiasts. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the essence of fly fishing, exploring its origins, techniques, and the gear required to unlock the full potential of this captivating sport. Understanding Fly Fishing: Fly fishing, unlike traditional bait or lure casting, relies on the weight of the fly line to carry the lightweight fly(usually mimic natural insects or fish)to the target. This technique demands a certain finesse and casting skill to present the fly in a manner that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding environment. It also demands a deep understanding of the aquatic ecosystem that many find both challenging and rewarding. Essentials for Fly Fishing: For beginners eager to embark on this captivating journey, the first step involves acquiring the essential gear. A fly rod, a specialized rod designed for fly fishing, serves as the backbone of the ensemble. Coupled with a fly reel, which manages the line, and a fly line, a weighted line that carries the fly, the angler is equipped to cast with precision and control. Fly Rods: Fly rods are purpose-built for casting weighted lines and flies. It is usually 9ft long and comes in 4 pieces. Instead of the common lb or PE rating on the rod to indicates the rod strength, fly rod uses ‘weight or wt’ as their rating. Starting from wt0-14 and a easy guide to understand it is as such: Wt0-2: UL (Small stream fishing: Tengas, Sikang, Seluang, Puyu, Lampam)Wt3-4: L (Big stream fishing: Tengas, Sikang, Seluang, Puyu, Lampam, Jelawat)Wt5-6: M (Freshwater all rounder: Peacock Bass, Sebarau, Empurau, Pacu)Wt7-8: MH (Light Saltwater game or Small Predator fish: Dorado, Toman, Cobia, Milkfish, Ladyfish, Catfish)Wt9-14: H (Saltwater or Big Predator fish: GT, Toman(Giant Snakehead), Sailfish) Choose a rod’s weight based on the type of fishing you plan to do – lighter for small streams, heavier for larger rivers or saltwater. Sometimes the size of fly you use will be a factor of consideration too. Fly Reels: Fly reels are designed to store the fly line and provide drag when needed. It also comes in ‘weight or wt’ as their rating instead of normal sizing charts like 1000-20000(spinner) or 15hg or 1501 (jigging reel). Fly Lines: As fly line is the one responsible for casting the fly out, it is one of the most important equipment to invest when starting. Fly lines come in various weights and designs, matching the rod and the type of fishing. Generally there are: Floating line (widely use in Malaysia for most species) Intermediate line (rarely use in Malaysia) Sinking line (widely use in Malaysia for bottom fish) There are also many design of fly lines that allow one to cast with ease, that will be discussed on another article. Flies: Flies imitate insects, baitfish, or other prey therefore understanding the local insect life and fish preferences helps in choosing the right flies. A crucial aspect of fly fishing lies in the art of fly tying. You tie your own flies or lures! The process of transforming simple materials into intricate flies that mimic natural  prey. This skill demands creativity, dexterity, and a keen eye for detail, as the effectiveness of the fly hinges on its ability to deceive discerning fish. Leader and Tippet: Just like other fishing, leaders and tippet are used. However in fly fishing, a tapered leader is used to ensure the fly can be delivered effectively and beautifully.The leader can be mono or fluoro that connects the fly line and tippet is the one that connects the leader and fly. Other Accessories: Accessories include a fly box, nippers, forceps, and a landing net, among others which all can be invested later. Techniques for Beginners:  Casting Basics: Learn the basic casting techniques: the overhead cast, roll cast, and false cast. Practice in an open area before hitting the water. Reading Water: Understand how to read the water for potential fish locations. Look for structure, currents, and underwater features. Setting the Hook: Develop a quick and controlled hook-setting technique to ensure a successful catch. Patience and Observation: Fly fishing demands patience. Observe the water, the insects, and the fish behavior. For the Seasoned Angler: Advanced Casting Techniques: Explore double hauling, reach casting, and other advanced casting methods.  Fly Tying: Master the art of creating your flies. It adds a personalized touch to your angling experience.  Adapting to Different Environments: Adjust your techniques based on the water type, weather conditions, and the specific fish species you’re targeting. Conclusion: Fly fishing is not merely a method of catching fish; it’s a holistic experience that connects anglers to nature in a profound way. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned angler, the art of fly fishing offers endless possibilities for exploration, learning, and a lifetime of memorable moments on the water. So, pick up a fly rod, tie on a fly, and immerse yourself in the timeless pursuit of fly fishing. The adventure awaits!

Mengungkap Misteri Jarak Pancing Layang: Memahami Jarak Casting Anda

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 解密飞钓中的抛投距离:了解您抛投的范围 I want to read in English Demystifying Fly Casting Distances: Understanding the Range of Your Cast Mengungkap Misteri Jarak Pancing Layang: Memahami Jarak Casting Anda Pancing Layang, satu seni yang memikat pemancing dengan pendekatan uniknya untuk memikat ikan. Sementara menguasai rumitnya teknik melempar adalah kunci kesuksesan, seringkali muncul pertanyaan umum: sejauh mana seseorang bisa melemparkan garis pancing layang? Jarak casting pancing layang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, termasuk kehadilan pemancing, panjang rod, tali fly, dan kondisi angin. Bagi pemula, mencapai jarak yang konsisten sejauh 30 hingga 40 kaki adalah matlamat yang realistik. Seiring berkembangnya kemahiran casting, pemancing berpengalaman dapat melemparkan jarak 70 hingga 90 kaki atau lebih jauh dalam kondisi ideal. Berikut adalah pembagian jarak boleh dicapai bagi pemancing: Pemula: 30 hingga 50 kakiPemancing Intermediate: 60 hingga 70 kakiPemancing Berpengalaman: 80 hingga 90 kaki atau lebih Ingatlah, sementara syioknya bila kita dapat cast jarak yang jauh, pancing layang bukanlah sekadar tentang jarak; ia lebih kepada menyampaikan umpan fly anda dengan lebih accurate dan efektif untuk memikat ikan. Fokuslah pada pengembangan teknik casting dan retrieve anda, memahami kondisi angin, dan memilih tali fly yang sesuai untuk situasi. Dengan latihan dan dedikasi, anda akan dapat cast dengan cantik dan menikmati sensasi pancing layang bila dapat ikan trophy anda.

Fly Casting Basics: The 5 Essentials:

Other languages Selection 我要阅读华文版 飞钓基础:五大要素: Saya nak Baca Dalam BM (Bahasa Malaysia) Asas Pancing Layang: Lima Elemen Utama: Fly Casting Basics: The 5 Essentials: Fly fishing is a unique and rewarding sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. However, it can also be a bit intimidating for beginners, especially when it comes to casting the fly. That’s where the five essentials of fly casting come in. These five elements are the foundation of successful fly casting, and they can help you make the most of your time on the water. Maintain straight-line path of the rod tip (SLP) The SLP is the path that the tip of your fly rod travels when you cast. It should be a straight line from the start of the cast to the end. A straight line path will help you to generate a smooth, powerful cast that will deliver your fly to the target accurately. Correct casting arc for the amount of line used The casting arc is the shape of the path that the fly line travels through the air during a cast. The arc should be wider for longer casts and narrower for shorter casts. The correct arc will help you to load the rod properly and generate the power you need to cast the fly effectively. General thumb of rule:Short line = short arcLong line = long arc Correct power application Power application is the amount of force that you apply to the rod during the cast. Too much power can cause the fly line to form a tailing loop and tangle your leader or fly line. Too little power on the other hand can result in a weak cast that will not reach the target. Therefore the correct amount of power will vary depending on the length of the cast and the type of fly you are using. Correct timing and stroke The timing of the stroke is the speed and rhythm of your casting motion. The stroke should be smooth and controlled, with a pause at the end of each forward and backward motion. The correct timing will help you to generate a smooth, powerful cast that will deliver your fly to the target accurately. General thumb of rule: Short line = Short stroke = Short pauseLong line = Long stroke =  Long pause Elimination of slack line throughout the cast Slack line is any excess line that is not being pulled by the rod tip. Slack line can cause the fly to wobble or to be cast erratically. By eliminating slack line, you will ensure that your fly is presented to the fish in a natural and effective manner. All in all, mastering these five essentials will take time and practice, but it is essential for any angler who wants to be successful at fly fishing. With patience and dedication, you can learn to cast the fly accurately and confidently, which will open up a world of possibilities for you on the water. To sum it up:Short line = short stroke = Short pause = small arc = less powerLong line = long stroke = Long pause = big arc = more power